Wednesday 11 February 2015

It's time, perhaps? (wedding/marriage thoughts)

oops~ it had been a while since i last signed in... I had some trouble recalling the password/username to my blog.. and even more surprisingly, i could not remember my blog url as well! ><

At times, i really think blogging helps to ease some of the tension caused in my daily life. It's like, i can voice out whatever i want, be it happiness or sorrow.. of course i hope to share more joy than sorrow.

Well, i'm quite happy recently. Because E and i had some pillow talk. :)) We were discussing on marriage! Last weekend, we went to Chinatown to 办年货. It was rather a cute experience. Bought some cute angpaos and also some CNY decorations. Getting them for my mum and his mum as well. Spent about 40+ just for the deco. Hmm. quite exp. But i think the designs over here are much nicer than back at our hometown. So, it's worth it. And also, i had so much fun shopping with baby.. feels like newlywed. hehe.

Then we walked along Pagoda street. It was soo crowded. sighs. i think each year is the same. Went on to try some Taiwan jelly and baby had 1 whole japanese mushroom. lol. He loved it.
We chanced upon some hardsellers for wedding photography - those shooting at Taiwan ones. I was quite happy with his reaction. He said  要不要去看看,反正我们以后要拍的. ^______^
I was way beyond ecstatic. Like totally can lift both feet off the ground. :))

So we were just looking and i decided not to sit down because i don't really fancy the taiwan photography. Then i went on to do some research on the Korea ones. And oh my, i really feel in love on first sight. Those pictures were so beautiful. As in those feelings of the pictures. I really love them. There are so elegant and yet natural. Can really show the connection between a couple. Somemore baby loves the korean style and i did show him some of the studios and packages. I guess we will save up and go for the Korea concept! :) hehe.. Well, still have some time to plan.

In order for all these to happen, i must graduate first! My exam is in May'15. Buck up buck up! Must really buck up!

Well, we did discussed on the rom date... if really can, i wish it to be on Valentine's day 2016. Because we officially got together on Valentine's Day 14.02.2012.  I told him, it's a great date because we can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. ^^ Good for him because he only  need to prepare for 1 gift but for 2 occasions. (Vday and Anniversary). haha.. I'm a good girlfriend right?

Also, most likely we will do a customary wedding with lunch/dinner on a later part.
One night, i was a little bit worried because it's like something is still not quite right. Like i've skipped something over. Yes. the question. He has not really ask me anything and yet we are planning all these. ( or is it me being desparate? :( )
So, after thinking over this, i think i really have to voice out my feelings.. at least he knows. and i really want to know how he feels about all these.

So our pillow talk~

I'm glad to have voice it out rather than hinting him or ask someone else to talk to him. Because if you can't be honest on things, how to live together in the future. 幸福永远是自己争取的.
Plus, i really really want to know how he feels. His true does he want me? really ok with all these pre planning...

He told me he loves me and he wants me to be his wifey. :)) Also, he did told me that he plans to ask only after we graduate. Which is quite reasonable. haha. coz initially we discussed over this that we will get married after we graduate and before i turn 30.
 I was happy after this small talk. Because at least he knows what i want.. and how i feel. and my doubts.  I told him... he has to give me a surprise then... :)

I am a very simple girl. I do not wish for a public proposal or anything grand to show. Of course, last time when i was young i did dreamed of having a grand proposal like the whole world would know that sorta thing. However as i grow, and after we got together... i think he is what matters most....
i only want the moment to be just us... even if we were dining or even in our little room. i would be contented enough. :) I just want it to be an unexpected timing.  That;s it. hehe.

I was reading some blogs yesterday and i chanced upon this blogger where she got her proposal ring from Michael Trio. I guess that would be a pretty nice place to choose our wedding bands and ring.
I just want to note down here... in case i forgot about it in the future.

I really really love this setting. hmm.. maybe i shall hint him the next time.. haha.. of course... what you wish and what you get sometimes may varies..and sometimes may not happen at all.

well.... even if it's a small little ring...  我一定会满足的.  :)
Because what i really wish for and want it to happen is to be with his forever, spend the rest of my lifetime with him and .... be his only his wife. :)


But.... i really really like this... hehehe.. baby.. hope one day you can chance upon this ba. :)

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